Mike Treder
In the time that it takes you to read this sentence, at least
10 real people will die, some of them helpless children, and
some in horrible pain. Every single day 24,000 people die of
starvation; 6,000 children are killed by diarrhea; 2,700 chil-
dren are killed by measles; and 1,400 women die in child-
birth. [1]
All told, more than 150,000 humans will lose their lives
today. Some of them will be elderly, of course, but why should
that be a death sentence? Even worse, tens of thousands of
youthful adults and children will be lost tomorrow and the
next day, and the day after that to preventable or curable ill-
nesses simply because treatment is not available to them. Must
we accept this daily horror? Is it really necessary? I believe it is
time we start fighting back; the good news is we are.
Each day significant progress is being made to defeat dis-
ease and reduce suffering. In addition, work is well underway
to understand the aging process and someday eliminate it.
As Robert Ettinger has said: Being born is not a crime, so
why must it carry a sentence of death? [2] In the appeals
court of science and technology, the summary execution of
every human being may soon be overturned, hopefully within
your lifetime.